3MS....It's the Mystery Stole 3 KAL.
Yes, lace knitters it's back. Melanie from Pink Lemon Twist is bringing it to us again this year. It starts June 29, 2007.
If you haven't joined it in the past. It is a lot of fun. Melanie will post in a series of clues. You follow the clues and and you'll have a stole at the end of the KAL.
There's a lot of conversation on what yarn to purchase. She instructs you clearly here and even gives you what to knit to make sure your gauge is correct before the KAL starts.
So, this is what I recommend, go and join up. I would say that there are a tremendous amount of sock knitters out there that know lace. How many of you have knit lace sock before? That is all that it takes.
And look at this..... You get this absolutely FREE for joining. Ummm. I was wondering. I have this friend who is an amazing knitter. She loves KAL's and she loves buttons. I have seen her knit everything EXCEPT a lace stole. Do you think that maybe Tiennie of Tiennie Knits would be up to this challenge???? :)))
I'm just kidding Tiennie, I know that you would knit one gorgeous stole.
I guess I just need to add that I have my beads and yarn ordered. What yarn am I using? I'm going to knit my stole in Zephyr (Vanilla). I've ordered several different color of beads so I won't know until I actually have everything in my hands will I know which I will use.
Well, my friends check it out.