Well, here I am at Typepad! This blog is a "Work in Progress". I will get there but who knows how long it's going to take to get there.
I first want to give a big shout out and to Tiennie of Tiennie Knits. She has been a life saver through out this move. She gave up hours on Sunday evening to help me. Now she won't even let me send her a little gift to repay her kindness.
Oh I have an idea! Does anyone have Tiennie's last name and mailing address? She will not give me to me. I need this info for this little nothing I want to send to her. Please email me if you have this.
OK, now I want to show you this cute little video how smart cats can be.
What do you think about that? I don't know if my Jake could play the piano or not. However, given his God given talents, I'm bett'n he could!
Well like I said I'm pretty happy in my new domain. I hope everyone is having a great sunny Friday.
Again, Tiennie thank you so much.
Here's to you!