I'm sorry I haven't checked in for so long. Time tends to get away from me at times. Especially since we're STILL going through the hell of selling this condo. Oh the ups and downs!
Since the last time I blogged we have had an offer. However, if we wanted to give our condo away we would give it to a family member. This person was actually serious. He said well, since I want to put granite counter tops in the kitchen and rip out the carpet and put hardwood floors through the condo, we should have I guess come down in price and help him pay for these items. Anyway, we counter his offer and he decides that we are so lucky to receive his bid that he will not counter back. He told our agent he was doing us a favor? I'm not sure we even would want to do business with this type of person in the end any way.
We have so many second showings. The people love it but they want more privacy. Can they plant trees? Can they tear out fencing? Hey people drive around the complex. Do you see fences torn down? All I can tell them is that you have to submit these type of things to the management board and it will have to be approved. One couple said that the condo appeared too nice and wanted to know why we were really moving...arg!
Good news on our new condo. They are pouring the footers? (Don't ask me...that what Mr Stitches said they're called). Here's a picture.
Oh, and there is Mr Stitches looking over his kingdom. LOL
We met with the security people Tuesday afternoon to discuss the security system and where we will be putting all the computer, TV and computer network etc. Whew, that stuff took a lot of time we have to go back and complete tomorrow afternoon. It's amazing all that needs to be completed for the new condo. This construction company seems to do everything right.
KNITTING......Yes, I have no pictures to show you, but I'm knitting and frogging the MS3. Why is it that my DH all of a sudden turns into a chatter box when I'm on a long line of lace. I tell him I'll answer him when I get done with the row, but my nice thought control just went out the window. From now on I just can't knit a lace project when he is home.
I need to take this time to catch up on my stole now.
I need to give a shout-out to Debby (she knows who she is) to let her know that I'm still alive and I'm sorry I haven't emailed for a time. Will catch up - promise.